Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Those Easter Chicks are Growing

Well the new ones a week after Easter are....
We learned from the first group of ladies we didn't keep them warm enuff we started over!

These little ladies are a mix of Dominnecker and um something lololol!The other Ladies as Smitty calls them are Rhode Island Reds all Good Laying Hens

Smitty took over the Ladies ,he added a Heat Lamp and took over my TUB:)

        Smitty has been Awesome Feeding and taking care of them.He cleans the cage up when he comes in off his route and the Ladies hear him come in late at nite and they all start
Chirping , FUNNY
they don't do that when they hear me in our Bedroom late at nite !!

Wonder if they Know he drives a Chicken truck delivering Frozen Chicken to the Grocery Stores?, HUMMMM !!

they have really been Growing

Ladies on their first day outside
Smitty is starting to adjust them to a temperature change out from under that warm heat lamp

they Loved it

Learning to really scratch feed outside

we think the Black ladies splashed now with Gold have our towns Football Colors we call them....

The Lady Packers

Now Ladies this is the Best Picture
I've Finally Caged Me a MAN !!!!!

Wonder how many times a day I would have to
 Feed and Water HIM ??

Darn he is out lol,
well the Ladies are back to the Bathroom
The Ladies Chicken Tractor is being Built as we Speak
Pictures to Come

May You have a Blessed Rest of the Week,
Love From Our Smith Gang


  1. LOL about the little chicks loving Tim. You cracked me up Cindy about wondering if they would feel the same way if they knew he drove a chicken truck. That is so cool that you have the chickens. Chris and I have talked about getting some, but it would be just one more thing right now. Maybe when the boys get a little bigger and can help with stuff.

    1. I bet the boys would love the chicks!! Their not hard at all. We are truly loving building up the farm animals but right now we r knee deep in planting all the garden spots. Getting alittle scared about when it comes to picking and putting it all up.thank god school Will be out lol.

  2. A caged man! How funny. Your chicks are cute!
