Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Campers are now Seniors!!

Seniors 2013
The campers have returned this year and they are excited
they are SENIORS. 
This group of campers have been getting together since 9th grade . They meet monthly on each others farm and campout.ya never know whos coming till they get there and sometimes we add a new one or two for the nite. last year it seemed we saw this group on our farm several times.
So to kick off their SENIOR CAMPOUTS we were asked to be this years first host!
I love it !the planning, cooking and seeing the kids from year to year to see how they have grown and changed. This year all the chatter was about their futures and what colleges they want to attend.They are all so nice to be around. 8 more showed up after supper,the sweet ladies that join us from time to time leave around 10:45 camp rules:)

This year we have a new cook around!
Dusty came over and brought his homemade Grill.
he grilled the campers smoked chicken,sausage and jalapeno dogs!
I cooked up fried okra and green beans and served SWEET TEA.

Dusty teaching Chase all the Smoking tips for a great grill.they used pecan twigs to smoke the meat with
Lordy was it all so good. 

 The next morning the surving campers come back up to the house ready for Breakfast.This Campout I made
Homemade Pancakes and Sryup.
Recipe :
2 cups Self Rising Flour
2 Eggs
2 tablespoons Sugar
add water to mix
I like to add buttermilk to my recipe
this is easy to double or triple or more!

This time over 40 pancakes hit the pans:)

Of course lots of
Morning talk of who stayed up all nite,who fell alseep first,oops and this time breakfast talk was about whos vehicles got stuck and I mean bottom out stuck lol.
Several dads had to come out and pull them out ,I'm sure Monday at school that was all the chatter and bragging on who made it.
David ,one of the guys that didn't get to come due to work ,came by after all the talk at school  Monday ,in his 4-wheel drive truck  just to see if his truck would make it thru where all the guys got stuck lol !!
Boys will be Boys !

after everyone left Sunday Sophia came home and was getting her clothes changed after church and was set up on the table and what did she do ?!!

Grabbed that last Pancake ,TOO CUTE !!
                                     Blessings from Our Gang to yours ,
                                                   THE SMITHS

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe he is a senior. The guys look like they had a great time. Sophia is so cute!!!
