Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Potatoes-n-onions-n-garlic oh my !

                                    POTATOES- N- ONIONS-N- GARLIC OH MY!!
this was Our First time growing Potatoes
This Harvest was AWESOME
OH My Goodness at the Wonderful Ways we have been using up this Harvest
Mashed Potatoes (My Most requested ,teaching the Smith Boys to make them ,All the Smith Men in the Family have always enjoyed joining his wife in the kitchen to make the mashed Potatoes)
 Potatoe Salad ,French Fries and their Favorite Way Potatoe Candy!

My Smitty washes them as we go
Marti (sophia)lol identity crisis for our family
 Loves to be outside
Home Grown Potatoes TASTE way better than store Bought!

Our Youngest loves to Scratch Potatoes, WHO KNEW LOL
he said Moma I'll do the Final Harvesting of the Potatoe Patch
For ONE THING Please will YOU make more
Potatoe Candy:)
its a Smith Family Recipe

He worked all afternoon

He called me over to show Me one ,in the Shape of a HEART
They did well cept the Whites turned  a little Green, I was scared to use them for fear of Poisoning everyone,
I've been told by several just peel them hope its true!
This Beauty was boiled and made into Candy

Add Powdered Sugar and the Potatoe Melts

Add a slathering of Peanut Butter

Roll it up

Cut into Candy Bites
They disappear sooo Fast !
Smitty has missed out on 3 Batches
I hid the last Batch just for him lol
Chad had a friend stay a couple of days and they ate soo many but he kept saying "where is the Potatoe in this Candy it's so good !"
Red Potatoes and Onion Salad for Supper is YUMMY!!
Next Came the Harvest of Onions
we grow these under Black Plastic
we planted 200 hundred onions we
stored 40 pounds for cooking with squash,
potatoe salad,hamburgers,slaw for hotdogs 
and in the oven hobo style
10 -lbs.jumbo  at Harveys is $8.99
so we saved $35.90 by growing our own
These we set in back Bathroom to dry
(seems our bathroom gets closed off for use to many Farm Projects lol)

So Shiny, Sweet and Good
We took this batch down to my mom and Dads for them to help us chop them up for freezer

Mom worked on the chopping

Daddy ran them through his mini slicer
this is a neat gadget

see how nice n tiny they are great for stir fries and soups 

My Daddy is such a hard worker and always a story to tell

these bags will go into several gallon freezer bags
to be used when needed

just the right size

Both Marty and Marti needed Playtime lol

Great Grandaddy Marty check my foot please lol

we weighed and recorded our little Onion harvest
Chase worked on his Math skills

we put 14 pounds in freezer
at walmart a 1 pound bag of frozen onions cost $1.89
so we put up $ 26.46 worth
planted 200 onions at $3.00 a set of 100 ,($6.00)
so we saved $20.46 with this harvest for our freezer
Grand Onion total:
of all onions grown  is 26.46 +35.96=62.42-6.00=$56.42
plus excersise for my back and kids being outside with me

Time for Our Garlic
Now this has been a learning Curve for me
next year way more will be planted
and NOTE TO SELF "after harvesting when drying
do not let them get
they will go mushy and bad!

for several days when I would hang out clothes I would let them dry out on back porch to harden off

we planted from tiny varieties to the Elephant Garlic
been wonderful cooking smells AMAZING !

after the potatoes,onions and Garlic where harvested
the 2 and 1/2 men in the Smith Gang tilled up the garden spot ,added new plastic to the right in the pic to get ready for our next harvest of peas,corn and beans:) 

And to finish it all
Marti got to play in the water Sprinkler:)

May You have a Blessed Rest of the Week ,
Love from Our Smith Gang


  1. Dang girl you have some awesome things to eat. That is so cool about the potatoes. Man that potato candy looks so good.

    1. Ty Rochelle , Tim taught me howvto make Potatoes Candy from Aunt Jennifer. Glad you guys had a safe trip. Hugs to all.
