Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quilts and Love on a Friday

  My Hubby and I have started dating again , it's AWESOME! 
We visited Our local ARTS CENTER for this date ,they had Quilts on show and a voting for your favorite Quilt from our Local artist Quilt makers as well .The Winners were finally annouced, so time finally share one of our past Friday dates and to our suprise its 2 of the ones we voted for , woohoo
Tim liked the Sports quilt but voted for the YoYo quilt beside him ,he said they had put so much time into the yo-yos it had to win:)It did,the Quilt won "Best of Show"
I fell in love with this childrens Eskimo Quilt, it placed as well Viewers Choice Award:)

Their were so many beautiful Quilts and Pieces ,we enjoyed our afternoon
We just could not get over the work that goes into these quilts

It was so much fun just hanging out looking at them ,spending quiet time with my HUBBY ,their were times we held hands, laughed, and a quick kiss down a hall, plus it was free lol;-)

                      You can just see the talent this ladies have

Here we are doing
our final picks for the Vote

Then our date took us off to  the Amish Bread Wagon
in the next town, we had never been

Thought this saying was so sweet and such meaning
Tim with an old  Amish Wagon

we left with alot of yummy goodies !
It was such a wonderful date
Hope you have a Blessed day and make the time to date your spouse ,the time you spend together is well worth it!hugz...
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  1. I think that is so cool that he went with you. I don't know if I could get Chris to go somewhere like that with me. I think it a great thing to go on dates. I know with Chris we get so caught up with the things that are going on, we forget to have us time. I love the pictures of the quilts. All are so beautiful.

    1. Thank -you Rochelle.Tim has been sweet about all the mini dates I've planned. Trust me date every chance u get, remember you both are more than just parents;) holding HANDS AGAIN has been worth our time together. We are finding something very deep its SIMPLY LOVE;-*
