Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcoming 2012

               So glad to be celebrating another year,2011 brought mant challenges and Joy to us. We Welcomed our first Grandbaby Little Miss Marti Sophia ,she was named after my daddy 12 year Prostrate Cance survivor and such an inspration for he is truly a hard working daddy Marty is truly special we kids picked him out for moma so the family joke goes,thats another story, but for the recap of 2011 my personal health took a toll. Having numerous injections on my back then having nerves burned to take away alot of pain ,have to say it really has been working just takes alot of procedures.If I flipped the coin on that there really is a Blessing that comes from this all I have returned home fulltime to be a Homemaker and after 21 years of working outside the home raising 3 kids thru  drivethur's and hubby being a truckdriver I can say I'm THRILLED of my new role.So much to do Tim and I got to  purchase the 10 acre farm so he says run it,work with the land as much as you can see what you are able to do,yikes thats alot of undertaking but with the boyz helping and me with grandbaby in tow we do what we can .I got to roll- pick up pecans and bought 2 nannie goats ,either to milk or grow to sell offspring or for later meat consumption as the little group grows , my 2 sons got my garden patch 2, 50 by 100ft. plots  layed with plastic so I can crawl around planting  with  ease  of no weeds but they do mange to find awhole.I can say that fall garden produced so much I couldn't keep up! my dad says I will have so much work to do at home I will not be able to keep I BELIEVE SO ! Thank God for my sons ! we have 4 producing pecan trees and apear tree well established so gave me  plenty to do. Pecans are still falling ,my dad   gave me apole roller so I dont have to do no bending yay!Sisnlaw got me to blogging but because it was so new to me and just a cell phone camera I enjoyed spending the year  reading everyone elses   OOOOO,what inspiration I have gathered from blogs!!!Not only for wives on farms,all the wonderful recipes and talents of crafted women but Blessings of Christian women with a heart for  prayer for the Lord and  of sharing their lives thru the good times and  heartache I have read .It's been a  complete joy to read it all,So for this year my resolution is to blog cell pic or no pic so bare with me. hubby says camera coming soon.
                    I truly hope all of you have a Blessed 2012 year,hugsSinz

1 comment:

  1. Cindi you are a blessing to me. So glad to have you as a sister-in-law.
