Thursday, July 19, 2012

Heres Whats Pickin on Our Little Farm

It's been a Pea Pickin Time Lately:)
Our Chad, the Backbone of Our Garden
seems to be run over with peas  these days
we never do get the rows
far enough apart but once he burns the wholes in the plastic there is no going back!!
And when you are doing that Project we totally forget how Beautiful and Big those plants get and just how far those runners will go !

Our sweet Go Getter loves to shell he usually oops to babysit Sophia while the pickin is being done but
 he still gets his fair share:)

Our Rows are just short enough this time to pick and bring in a huge pot of Peas for Supper with a huge plate of Cornbread ,its so YUMMY
sometimes we choose to have only that for Supper!

Such a Hard working young Man

The Butterbeans have started filling our basket

                  We grew 2 different kinds of beans this year Kentucky
Bush and Italian Flat Beans both have been wonderful Producers

The kentuckeys we pick and bring straight to the Frying Pan I saute with Olive Oil , butter and Garlic and Onions that we Grew early Spring and add 2 huge Portibella Mushrooms
MMM there is never Enough of this Recipe 

These are the Italian Flats
Funny thou I call them Leather Britches to the kids but they are not but they get a chuckle out of it.

A Few of these Little treats are still coming in
the Okra has gone to a full Blown Cutting every other Day

LOL, this is how Farm Kids  look after Mom has Worked them
A nap anywhere will DO !
A few new Pecan trees have come up and we have been protecting them for transplanting to the back Field
( well if we can keep Hubby from lawnmowing them !)
But this one had me  totally STUMPED I had never seen a Pecan Leaf this big ,so I had to call an Expert IN to take a look and tell me if it really was a pecan tree.
he said in all his years of growing Pecan trees he has never seen leaves this HUGE !
This one we will diffenatley Baby to see how it grows and Produces down the years.

This is what is going on in OUR Little Farm Pickin,
May You have A Blessed Day
Love From My Smith Gang

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Figs, Frogs Legs and a Fall

Oh How i love fig season

My Dads trees have been Blessed this year

These are Hubbies favorite
Sometimes hard to get them to the Jars before they gobble them up

I measure out one quart fresh figs at a time

My Daddys recipe which won him 2nd place at the fair years ago, one quart figs to one cup sugar

They Smell amazing while cooking

They look so pretty in the jars

so far , I have put up 13 quarts , 5 pints and 6 half pints (for gifting)

While out in the Pea Patch  with Chad
this cute little froggy scared me
and got me thinking mmm yummy Frog Legs LOL!
So off to the market we went

Home came 3 dozen Frog legs

After washing them and  soaking them
in mustard and ice for 2 hours
And a Quick dip in Louisiana Hot sauce

 I coat them with cornmeal and plain flour mixed to crisp them

Off to the Frying Pan they GO :)

And what a Yummy Meal it makes
Cajun Frog Legs
Homegrown  Potatoes and Greenbeans,Yummy Rolls and Hush Puppies and always 
 Southern Sweet Tea

Dig In lol
Smitty loves them

Guess who else Loves them !!?

Then this past week I took a nasty fall going under the Pecan tree to water and feed the rabbits:(
Quite the Bruises and a twisted ankle on the other foot and set my back pain a soaring a few days later geez I felt like i had been in a wreck! Finally i am walking better just when I thought I could leave the Cane at home ...Still thinking I should have had the ankle X-rayed but I have seen enuff docs !! he can look at it at my next Doc visit in August if its still being aggravating .
Well off to  check the animals
May You have a Blessed Day ,
Love from the smith Gang