Tuesday, September 13, 2011

labor day and beyond

                          Wow been a week since  I last  posted, alot going on since Labor  Day and i am still so new to posting I think I have been enjoying reading them than posting my own but here is an update  on things happening on the Smith Gang Farm :)        

My Little Black Bucket was handed off to Chase to         pick Butterbeans for supper  on Labor day

I tried making Homemade Wheat Bread but didn't have a loaf  pan lol soI used my bundt pan,they loved it anyway!Put Applebutter on it and within minutes it was gone.
Had the Best time with my oldest son for Spirit week at his   school.11th  grade one more year and I will have my second child a senoir.
Labor day weekend campout on the farm.The guys were all nice I  was so worried about hosting  that nite hubby was  on the road working but they all had agreat time. 
after the campout I talked Chad into helping me with  my hair .he wasn't all the way thrilled but he did a good  job;)
Chad and Sophia
Chase and  Sophia
I never get tired of seeing my boys helping take  care of our Grand-daughter Sophia
Sorry bout pics they are taking on my droid hoping to get a quality camera for my bday some year lol

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pre-pairing the Fall Garden August 2011

For this job the boys found the farms bigger Black Buckets

                                    Shoveling away in the old  barn.Many a laughs doing this job:)

Chase says this is is personnal cab.
Chad spreading out the manure on the fall garden spot
 Me driving the tractor to till the Fall garden August 2011
Can't wait to plant after Labor Day weekend

Sophia hanging with Lolli

 Sophia hanging out with her Lolli.We took our little Black Bucket and filled it with Sweet Corn.We counted 10 little worms.It made a wonderful skillet of corn for supper.
Sophia teething on Beef Jerkey.Got this tip from www.goddesshobbies.com.   She is  really amazing (check her blog.clooecting the moments.one by one.) It really kept Sophia happy while I cleaned all the corn. Happy Day on the Farm.
 Me with my  little Black Bucket with the corn patch behind me.just enough came up for 3 suppers..we really enjoyed it.2 more rows have been planted Aug.29,2011 just to see if we could get a small harvest before frost. my dad saved a corn cob off his field for me to plant.